About The Author
J. M. Meyer is a writer, artist and small business owner living in New York, where she received her master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. Jacqueline loves to read and write short fiction stories in the horror, mystery and fantasy genres. Short stories were a great escape for Jacqueline as a child. She has been influenced by Alice Munro, Ray Bradbury and the twist endings of O. Henry stories. Jacqueline also enjoys hiking and watching scary movies. Jacqueline enjoys the company of her dog Molly, husband Bruce, and their three children, Julia, Emma and Lauren. “Being like everybody is the same as being nobody.” – Rod Serling
“The only time it’s too late to try something new is when you’re dead.”- J.M.Meyer
Dark Moments
Beyond the Realm
Featuring my novelette “Vestal Scarlet”
Genre: Sword and Sorcery/Fantasy
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Universal Link: readerlinks.com/l/980383
My story “Vestal Scarlet” is featured in this wonderful Anthology! Click on the link to purchase. I am very excited about this one. LMK what you think. ❤️⚔️
BEYOND THE REALM, Vol 2 of the SWORD & SORCERY SERIES today, for a book full of magic and medieval adventure!
Santa Claws is Coming to Deathlehem “The Seventh Christmas”
Hark hear the howls
Blood-chilling howls
Tear heads away
The Claws is here
Relishing fear
Rends young and old
Weak and the bold
Welcome back to Deathlehem…
…where the holiday is exceptionally kind to an ancient witch…
…where the office Secret Santa takes a deadly twist…
…where a serial killer paints the town red with his countdown to Christmas…
…where children confront Santa after years of disappointment…
…and many more!
Twenty-five more tales of holiday horrors to benefit
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Black Hare Press
Author: Various Authors
Series: Dark Drabbles, Book 11
Genre: Multi
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
Paperback ISBN: TBA
List Price: 15.99 USD
eBook Price: 4.99 USD
Year two
Dark Moments 2020
The Black Hare Press YEAR TWO anthology is a culmination of all the nano-tales published in the Dark Moments online archive during 2020.
As a champion of emerging writers, you'll always find works by debut authors in our publications, as well new pieces from established and best-selling authors. We hope you enjoy the hard work that has been put into these tiny tales.
Midieival Tournaments Inc.
Author: Various Authors
Series: 500 Word Fiction, Book 1
Genre: Science Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-6450139-5-5
List Price: 15.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
AeturnUm Pharmaceuticals
Oceans: ADark Drabbles ANTHOLOGY #9
Dark Drabbles Anthology #9
My Stories
“Night Dive”
“Blue Ringed Octopus “
”My Ancestors Tears”
”The Cruise”
Dark Speculative fiction
100 word stories
Trade Paperback, Hardcover & eBook
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Blurb: “Savage sirens, selkies, serpents, suckers, and sea monsters."
Lockdown Horror #3
Author: Various Authors
Series: Lockdown Horror, Book 3
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-6450139-1-7
List Price: 9.99 USD
eBook Price: FREE (Selected Stores)
Horror stories for LOCKDOWN.
Animal Killers in Cherry Falls by Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Ashes to Ashes by Jasmine Jarvis
Satan’s Apocalypse by Kevin J. Kennedy
Render Unto Caesar by Liam Hogan
Corocotta Road by Patrick J. Gallagher
La Flor by Patrick Winters
The Swamp’s Eyes by Thomas Sturgeon Jr.
They Say Crows Can Remember Faces by Warren Benedetto
The Purge by Zoey Xolton
Lockdown Horror #1
Series: Lockdown Free Fiction Anthology
My Story: “Reinventing the Night”
Genre: Horror
Format: eBook
Publisher: Black Hare Press
OR PUCHASE PAPERBACK https://www.blackharepress.com/lockdown-horror-1/
“It’s 1987. Two sister’s enter a bar on a cold witer night, ready to party. Not everyone will make it home alive.”5.0 out of 5 stars Lockdown entertainment for fans of horror
Five star review
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 26, 2020Verified PurchaseLockdown Horror#1 is a diverse little anthology of twenty short tales ranging from superbly executed microfictions, like Erica Schaef’s "Dolly", to longer stories with teasing twists. The horror ranges from the chillingly graphic realism of Zoey Xolton’s "Unbreakable", to Jacqueline Moran Meyer’s darkly comic girls on a mission tale, "Reinventing The Night", to the wonderfully gory "The Butcher of Blengarth", by David Bowman. Each story is uniquely entertaining and had me turning the pages wanting more. And this is a FREE read, given away to readers during the lockdown. I can’t recommend it enough.One person found this helpfulReport abuse
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“BluE Rain”
Free lockdown fiction. Give it a read! My story “Blue Rain” is featured with many stories from international authors. A blue rain fell and the children starting acting strange. PAPERBACK https://www.amazon.com/.../B08HZD8FHR/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_nodl... https://www.facebook.com/1351179991/videos/10224210945445270/
DOWNLOAD https://www.blackharepress.com/lockdown-sci-fi-2/
Series: Lockdown Sci-Fi, Book 2
Genre: Science Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Scary Stuff Horror Anthology
My Story: “The Goodfellow House”
by Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Five star reviews
About this book:
The Goodfellow House - Jaqueline Moran Meyer - jmoranmeyer.net
5.0 out of 5 stars A Wonderful Collection of Weird Tales
“Just the horror anthology I needed to ease the boredom of social distancing and quarantine! The stories harken back to the golden age of the pulps, like Weird Tales, Tales from the Crypt, and Vault of Horror. Monsters, science-gone-awry, vile villains, and just the kind of creepy oddities I used to read as a kid. The tales are well-written, often funny, and always unsettling. A real treat for fans of good pulp horror and a nice touch of nostalgia.”
Hans and Greta
Pride: “the Red Pierce Reunion Tour”
Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 2
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Paperback ISBN: 978-1925809473
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
The Shameful Vice of Impurity.
The Red Pierce Reunion Tour by J.M. Meyer
Wrath - Smote it Be!
Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 7
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
Paperback ISBN: TBA
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.
Gluttony- Piece of Cake
Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 6
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2021
Paperback ISBN: TBA
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
An inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
GreeD: The Influencer
Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 5
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-6450139-7-9
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
The desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual.
Series: Seven Deadly Sins
My Story:
Theme: The Deadly Sin of Sloth
Description: Three survivors who would never had been friends in the real world try to survive a zombie apocalypse. One is starting to think being a zombie wouldn’t be so bad.
Genre: Dark Speculative Fiction
Format: Trade Paperback & eBook
Publisher: Black Hare Press
My post apocalyptic Zombie story “Equals” is featured in this anthology along with wonderful int’l authors. Give into the darkness and begin your journey with the SEVEN DEADLY SINS today! Book 3: SLOTH...The avoidance of physical or spiritual work Speculative fiction and horror. "A sluggard's appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."
Lust: The Red Pierce Reunion Tour
Author: Various Authors
Series: Seven Deadly Sins, Book 2
Genre: Speculative Fiction
Publisher: Black Hare Press
Publication Year: 2020
Paperback ISBN: 978-1925809473
List Price: 17.99 USD
eBook Price: 3.99 USD
The Shameful Vice of Impurity.
“The Red Pierce Reunion Tour “ by J.M. Meyer
Apocalypse: A Dark Drabbles Anthology#6
My Story:
“We SeeThem Coming”
By J. M. Meyer
About the book:
“A post-apocalyptic adventure of tiny proportions. Venture into the unknown, into a time when society has broken down and every man, woman and child (and the odd monster or alien) must fight for themselves. What miracles can one hundred debut to bestselling authors do with 100 words?”
Quietus 13
“Pandemic Sonnet”
“The Goddess of Death and Disease”
“The Last Symphony”
“Pandemic Market Western”
“The Invaders”
When the world is forced into mandatory lockdown due to a fast-spreading pandemic, the world of fantasy creatures is turned on its head.
How will sirens survive without sailors to lure into the salty depths? What actions should the vampire world take to get through the famine? And what of the gods?
Monsters : A Dark Drabbles Anthology#3
My Stories:
“Under Bob’s Bed”
“Morning Coffee”
“The Watermelon Contest”
“Modern Dating”
About this Book:
“Wendigos, Vampires, things that go bumping the night or hide under the bed, witches, demons, ours, kelpies, toad people, zombies, sirens and hundreds of other tiny terrifying tales.”
Purchase on Amazon
Love: A Dark Drabbles Anthology #7
My Stories:
“Bonnie’s Last Poem”
“Dying For Love”
“Hiking Lovers”
By J. M. Meyer
Ancients: A Dark Drabbles Anthology #10
Series: Dark Drabbles Anthology #10
My Stories: “The Witch of Girona”
Genre: Dark Speculative Fiction
#celebrate by pre-ordering and sharing this tweet to #win #freebooks (all 10 Dark Drabbles paperbacks) #amwriting #lockdown
Unravel : Dark Drabbles Anthology#5
My Stories:
“Camping Celebration”
“The Dead Wife”
“Limo Driver”
By J. M. Meyer
About this Book:
“Micro myths of the paranormal; poltergeists, spirit Boards, ghosts and ghouls, avenging apparitions and horrifying hauntings.”
Hate : Dark Drabbles Anthology #8
My Story:
“Tech Era Revenge”
Revenge in the modern age.
By J. M. Meyer
Theme: Revenge
Dark Fiction
Paperback, Hardcover and eBook
Beyond : A Dark Drabbles Anthology #4
My Stories:
“The Summoning”
“One Last Man”
By J. M. Meyer
About this book:
“Micro Myths of the paranormal, poltergeists, spirit boards, ghosts and ghouls, avenging apparitions and horrifying hauntings.”
“The Watcher”
COMLockdown Horror #2 features my story “The Watcher.” Why is Andrea sitting outside—in a snowstorm—watching this perfect family go about their lives? FREE from select places! Download your copy here: DOWNLOAD FREE HERE
Or, paperback: https://readerlinks.com/l/1349506
MS X Dignam
5.0 out of 5 stars Like a packet of crisps. Read one, read them all!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 2, 2020Verified PurchaseMuch like #1, the second Horror volume of Black hare Press's Lockdown series is a diverse, easy to read, page turner of an anthology; sure to satisfy Horror and Flash Fiction lovers. My favourites were "Rain" By Sarah Jayne Justice, for the focus on fear itself, "A Recovered Letter" by Horatio Marissa--wonderfully written, impossible to put down, not to mention frightening--and "Open Windows" by Frederick Pangbourne: believeable, human, horrific and humorous! The whole book is a very entertaining read from start to finish. Loved the drabbles too, and Jacqueline Moran Meyer's story "The Watcher" was like a 90s movie. Can't wait for #3.
Sunny-Side-Up Eggs
Coming Soon!
Harvest Anthology - Featuring my story “Digging deeper”
Twenty talented international authors contribute twenty short stories set on farms in the fall. My story “Digging Deeper” is one of the featured stories.
Published inth Yellow Mama ‘eZine
My Story:”The Watcher”
By Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Click in the link above to read “The Watcher”
About this Story:
“Peering back into the downstairs kitchen window, I don’t see Melody. Hoping my black ski outfit will cloak me in invisibility, I step sideways, and hunker down, behind a nearby bush. The view of the inside of the house improves from here. The young twin girls sit on the floor of the family room in front of the fireplace, playing a board game. Their mother speaks to them with her lined mouth and flails her arms as she explains something. I like imagining her as a puppet being manipulated by strings from someone up above.”
Teach. Write.A Writing Teachers’ Literary journal
By Jacqueline Moran Meyer
About this Story:
“It was dark inside. Our band of travelers huddled together in our make-shift shelter planning the morning's journey. The children and I left the Neolithic village with our torches and travelled through the ancient valley of our modern first-grade classroom. The morning rain gave the blue-uniformed coats lined up in the twenty identical cubbies a musty smell. This became a stinky swamp that needed to be crossed. We carefully watched out for quicksand. The small merry band trudged through the skunk weed toward the window where science project lima bean plants grew. These plants became a lush jungle and where the class was encouraged to whisper and imagine the animals we might encounter here. The city sounds of car engines and horns blared through the open windows, but for us, they were sounds that came from extinct animals we would never see. Up ahead loomed a green chalkboard mountain. The ascent required wide steps and some huffing and puffing to reach the top. The peak revealed a beautiful panoramic view of valleys, swamps, and jungles behind us and a vast desert and our final destination up ahead.”
Published in Bewildering Stories #831
“Reinventing the Night”
By Jacqueline Moran Meyer
Click on the link above to read my story.
About this Story:
“The bouncer, whom I’ve dubbed Thor, is checking everyone’s identification. His flashlight efficiently swipes from ID to face while he makes his snap decisions. Yea or nay. The legal soon-to-be drunk young females are automatically waved in. However, depending on some internal algorithm, Thor either politely hands the credentials back to the rejected as he shakes his head or rips up the offending cards until they resemble mulch. He points his muscled index finger toward the parking lot, banishing those losers to the elements or back to hearth and home. Oh, the power a bouncer wields. His rapid-fire decisions change fate.”
Scary Snippeys Campfire Edition
“Lady of the Lake”
Imagine you are alone. Surrounded on all sides by nothing but forest for as far as the eye can see. Then you hear a sound. It is like nothing you have ever heard. Is it a wolf? A ghost? A stalker? A monster from another world? Or something far far worse?Scary Snippets: Campfire Edition will have you rekindle your fear of the great outdoors with over 40 award winning authors from around the world reminding you that terror is everywhere.
Lockdown Paranormal Romance #2”
Demon Lover
Four Seasons Anthology
Coming soon!
The Four Horseman Iron Faerie Press
Coming soon
Reign: Stone hearts
“Stone Hearts”
Coming Soon!
Quietus 13 sample
Sloth Sample